""" MIT License Copyright 2023 David Yang Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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""" from math import cos, sqrt """ Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions """ # Zeros of J1(x), J0(x), J0(zs[2]==2.4048256) == 0 and J1(zs[3]==3.831706) == 0 # If index, i for zs is even, then zs[i] is a J0(zs[i]) zero # if index, i for zs is odd, then zs[i] is a J1(zs[i]) zero zs = [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.4048256,3.831706, 5.5200781,7.0155867,8.6537279 , 10.173468,11.791534,13.323692,14.930918,16.470630,18.071064,19.615859 , 21.211637,22.760084,24.352472,25.903672,27.493479,29.046829,30.634606 , 32.18968, 33.775820,35.332308,36.917098,38.474766,40.058426,41.617094 , 43.199792,44.759319,46.341188,47.901461,49.48261, 51.043535,52.624052 , 54.185554,55.765551,57.327525,58.906984,60.469458,62.048469,63.611357 , 65.189965,66.753227,68.331469,69.895072,71.472982,73.036895,74.614501 , 76.1787, 77.756026,79.320487,80.897556,82.46226, 84.039091,85.604019 , 87.18063, 88.745767,90.322173,91.887504,93.463719,95.029232,96.605268 , 98.170951,99.74682,101.31266,102.88837,104.45437,106.02993,107.59606 ,109.17149,110.73775] # J0(x), J1(x) zeros # Polynomial coefficients for J0(x) and J1(x) approximations a07 = [ 1.0, -2.2499997, 1.2656208, -0.3163866, 0.0444479, -0.0039444, 0.00021] a14 = [ 0.79788456, -0.00000077,-0.0055274, -0.00009512, 0.00137237, -0.00072805, 0.00014476] a21 = [-0.78539816, -0.04166397,-0.00003954, 0.00262573,-0.00054125, -0.00029333, 0.00013558] a28 = [0.5, -0.56249985, 0.21093573,-0.03954289, 0.00443319, -0.00031761, 0.00001109] a35 = [0.79788456, 0.00000156, 0.01659667, 0.00017105,-0.00249511, 0.00113653, -0.00020033] a42 = [-2.35619449, 0.12499612, 0.0000565, -0.00637879, 0.00074348, 0.00079824, -0.00029166] def polyx(a, x): # Horner's rule polynomial evaluaton y = a[-1] for i, ai in enumerate(a[-2::-1]): y = y * x + ai return y def bes1(x): if -3.0 <= x <= 3.0: # J1(x), Polynomial Approximation, P.370, 9.4.4 x3 = x / 3.0 return polyx(a28, x3 * x3) * x elif 3.0 < x: # J1(x), Polynomial Approximation, P.370, 9.4.6 x3 = 3.0 / x return polyx(a35, x3) / sqrt(x) * cos(x + polyx(a42, x3)) else: return 0.0 def besz(x): if -3.0 <= x <= 3.0: # J0(x), Polynomial Approximation, P.369, 9.4.1 x3 = x / 3.0 return polyx(a07, x3 * x3) elif 3.0 < x: # J0(x), Polynomial Approximation, P.369, 9.4.3 x3 = 3.0 / x return polyx(a14, x3) / sqrt(x) * cos(x + polyx(a21, x3)) else: return 0.0 def integrate_bessel(f, params): # set function, # of values, radius, radial, depth, thickness, modulus, poisson, layer, depths nss, ar, rr, zz, hs, es, mus, n, hns = params # 4 point Gaussian Integration at xg points with wg weights xg, wg = [-0.86113631, -0.33998104, 0.33998104, 0.86113631], [0.34785485, 0.65214515, 0.65214515, 0.34785485] # initialize ax to zs[0] == 0.0 and sum to 0.0 for 4 integrals with nss values ax, sum = zs[0], [[0.0 for j in range(4)] for i in range(nss)] if ar < rr: # J1(zs[i ] * ar / rr) * J0(zs[i ]), p * ar == zs[i ] * ar / rr # J1(zs[i + 1] * ar / rr) * J0(zs[i + 1]), p * ar == zs[i + 1] * ar / rr # J1(zs[i ] * ar / rr) != 0, J0(zs[i ]) == 0 # J1(zs[i + 1] * ar / rr) != 0, J0(zs[i + 1]) != 0 # last integration when J0(zs[i]) == 0, J1(zs[i + 1]) == 0 lastzs = zs[1:] # end on a J1 zero else: # J1(zs[i ]) * J0(zs[i ] * rr / ar), p * ar == zs[i ] # J1(zs[i + 1]) * J0(zs[i + 1] * rr / ar), p * ar == zs[i + 1] # J1(zs[i ]) == 0, J0(zs[i ]) != 0 # J1(zs[i + 1]) != 0, J0(zs[i + 1]) == 0 # last integration when J1(zs[i]) == 0, J0(zs[i + 1]) == 0 lastzs = zs[1:-1] # end on a J0 zero for izs, azs in enumerate(lastzs): # set bx to next zs bx = azs if ar < rr: # set bx when ar < rr bx = bx * ar / rr dx = (bx - ax) / 2.0 ex = dx + ax for ixg, axg in enumerate(xg): pa = dx * axg + ex p = pa / ar pr = 0.0 if 0.0 < rr: pr = p * rr cx = dx * wg[ixg] j1 = bes1(pa) j2 = 1.0 j3 = 0.5 if 0.0 < rr: j2 = besz(pr) j3 = bes1(pr)/pr fx = f(p, params) # stress/displacement at Hankel transform value for i in range(len(fx)): fxi = fx[i] * cx * j1 sum[i][0] += fxi * j2 sum[i][1] += fxi * j3 sum[i][2] += fxi * j2 / p sum[i][3] += fxi * j3 * p # set next ax to bx ax = bx return sum